Disability and Guardianship Project


The Disability and Guardianship Project has published numerous essays and reports as we have examined the adult guardianship system for people with developmental disabilities in California (known as limited conservatorships).  Many of our observations about deficiencies in the the legal process in California, and the need for operational improvements by all of the participants (judges, attorneys, court investigators, and regional centers) would apply to any state.  Some of the publications are listed below.

For a complete list of all 220 publications, go to:
Digital Law Library on Disability and Guardianship.

California Reports

On Deficiencies in the California System as a Whole

Report to the Senate Judiciary Committee (March 24, 2015) (Click Here)
      Exhibits to Report (Click Here)

Justice Denied: How California's Limited Conservatorship System is is Failing to Protect the Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities.  (Click Here)

On Federal Voting Rights Violations in California

Complaint against the Los Angeles Superior Court with the United States Department of Justice.  (Click Here)

On the Need for More Effective Advocacy by California Attorneys

Proposals to the Judicial Council of California for new rules on qualifications, continuing education, and performance standards for court-appointed attorneys in limited conservatorship cases (Click Here)

Individual Program Plan (IPP) for Limited Conservatorships: An Essential Advocacy Tool for Court-Appointed Attorneys (Click Here)

A Strategic Guide for Court-Appointed Attorneys in Limited Conservatorhip Cases
(What you don't know can hurt you -- and your client too.)  (Click Here)

A Missed Opportunity: Training Program Fails to Help Attorneys Fulfill Ethical Duties and Constitutional Obligations to Clients with Developmental Disabilities  (Click Here)

Equal Access to Justice: Complaint for Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act by the County of Los Angeles for Funding an ADA noncompliant legal services program (Click Here)

On the Need for Improved Investigations

Limited Conservatorship Trainings of Probate Investigators by the Los Angeles Superior Court (Trainings deserve a failing grade because developmental disability issues are virtually ignored.)  (Click Here)

On the Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities

With Liberty and Justice for All: The Sexual Rights of Adults with Developmental Disabilities. (Focus on California) (Click Here)

National Reports

On Supported Decision Making as an Alternative to Guardianship

Supported Decision Making: A Critical Analysis (Click Here)

California Essays

Voting Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities: Correcting Flaws in the Limited Conservatorship System (Click Here)

Lanterman Act Statement of Rights (Click Here)

Searching for Clues: Putting Together Pieces of the Limited Conservatorship Puzzle by Examining Court Records (Click Here)

A Presentation on Self Help Clinics Reinforces the Need for Major Reform of the Limited Conservatorship System (Click Here)

Expanding the Role of Regional Centers in the Limited Conservatorship System (Click Here)

Limited Conservatorship Reform in California: Several Areas that Need Improvement
(Click Here)

A Common Scenario o Assembly Line Justice in Limited Conservatorship Proceedings
(Click Here)


A Variety of Essays on Supported Decision Making (Click Here)

Legal Principles Governing Attempts to Restrict Social Rights of Limited Conservatees
(Click Here)

Social Rights Advocacy for Adults with Autism (Forced Socialization of Conservatees is Never Acceptable) (Click Here)

Trauma Informed Justice: A Necessary Paradigm Shift for the Limited Conservatorship System (Click Here)

Newspaper Articles


Reform Long Overdue for State Conservatorship Process (Click Here)

Legal System Without Appeals Should Raise Eyebrows (Click Here)


Various News Stories About Voting Rights Violations (Click Here)

Other Materials

Statements and Letters to the Judicial Council of California (Click Here)




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Los Angeles, CA 90010
(310) 473-6768



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